Does Solar Energy Really Work in the Winter?

A common myth about solar energy is that it is not effective in the winter months. While most areas have less sunlight in the winter months, there is no shortage of sunlight to keep your home running smoothly and efficiently, even during colder temperatures and shorter daylight hours. Understanding how solar panels work will explain a little more about how this is possible.

Solar panels attract energy from the sun, even when the skies are overcast, so you will not need to worry about whether your home sees a majority of sunny, clear skies during the winter months. Extra bright and sunny days should be seen as a bonus to your solar energy system, instead of a necessity. You may even find that your solar panels are more effective when the weather is colder.

While it may be true that electricity use increases in the winter, this does not mean that you will not have enough power to supply your home. Just as you do in the summer months, you will want to conserve your energy usage as much as you find comfortable. Weatherproofing your home and keeping your thermostat a few degrees lower than usual can help to reduce your energy consumption and ensure plenty of energy throughout the colder months.

Once you understand how solar panels work, you will be able to decide whether or not solar power is right for you. If you live in an area that has a cold winter, don’t be discouraged; solar panels will work for you, helping you to save money and reduce your impact on the environment.