Solar energy pros and cons are going to vary with the people who are analyzing them because everyone’s lifestyle is different. For those who do not care about the planet or renewable energy sources, there are nothing but cons. For those who love the planet and are devoted to increasing their use of renewable energy sources, there are nothing but pros. However, it may still open some eyes to look at the solar energy pros and cons.

Solar energy relies on the Sun’s rays to work. With that said, one of the cons would be that limited sunlight means limited energy. Of course, you can always trim a few trees and use a battery or connect to the grid for night time use.

The pros of solar energy are almost endless, but a few do stand out. For one, as of yet, there are no politicians who own the sun’s rays so you do not have to worry about them finding a way to charge you. Of course there are also those little perks like the fact that you are not contributing to pollution and you can get credit from power companies.