Many people write off solar energy, saying that the disadvantages of a solar power system outweigh the advantages. But the pros and cons of solar energy are rapidly evolving, making solar energy a more attractive option than ever before.

One of the first complaints people make about solar energy is that it is expensive to have the panels installed. While that may have once been true, solar panels are becoming increasingly affordable for the average homeowner. A quick analysis of your energy bills may show you just how quickly solar energy will pay for itself.

Another misconception/complaint about solar energy is that the solar panels only work when the sun is out. Anyone who has ever gotten a sunburn on a cloudy day can attest to how untrue this notion is. Clouds only block out a portion of the visible light spectrum from the sun’s rays, meaning your solar panels can collect in virtually any weather conditions.

The pros and cons of solar energy may not be what they once were or what people think they are.

One of the most important advantages of solar energy is that it reduces our reliance on non-clean energy. Most people only think of their vehicles, when they think of greenhouse gas emissions, but some of the worst offenders are power plants. The amount of fossil fuels being used to send energy to your home for your various gadgets, lights, appliances and heat would astound you, but since it occurs somewhere else, people don’t think about it. Solar energy helps clean up our energy use.

Another advantage of solar energy comes in the form of self-reliance. After major earthquakes and storms, as well as in periods of high usage like especially hot summers, the wires transmitting electricity to your home may be over-taxed or broken. With solar panels, your house may be the only one on the block that still has power.