When you invest in a solar power system, you are making the commitment to conserve energy and protect the environment. Before investing in solar panels, you will want to review your home’s energy efficiency to get the best return on your investment. This can greatly reduce the amount of energy you consume, making your energy panels more efficient.

  • You will want to examine your home for windows and doors that are not properly sealed. This will make sure that your air conditioning system will not have to work overtime in hot weather. AC systems can be a burden on your electrical consumption, so making sure that your home is properly sealed will get better results from your HVAC system.
  • Make the switch to LED light bulbs. These energy-savers are more expensive than incandescent bulbs, but they save up to 75 percent of energy usage. Consider making the switch before you install solar panels, to see just how beneficial they can be in your home or office.
  • Replace your older appliances with Energy-Star-rated units. When you shop around, you will see the yellow Energy Star guides on each appliance, which tells you what the estimated electricity usage and cost is for each unit. Models made today are far more energy efficient than those made just fifteen years ago.

Making these changes before you install a solar power system will help to prepare you for a lifetime of energy conservation. Though these are just a few ways to cut down on your energy usage, you should always be looking for new ways to reduce your energy usage and costs.