Understanding the Basics of Solar Energy


Solar energy is quickly growing in popularity, all over the globe, but outside of knowing what solar panels look like, not everyone understands the ways that solar energy benefits us. If you have ever wondered, “how does solar energy work,” here are a few quick facts about this safe and renewable energy resource:

Solar energy works by harnessing the power of the sun and converting it into a usable energy source. Photovoltaic cells collect sunlight and knock electrons loose. These electrons flow through the layers of the cell, reacting with the electric field present in the cell, thereby creating electricity. This simple explanation does not cover all of the intricacies involved with producing solar energy, but it is a basic overview of the action that occurs within each cell.

If you were to combine the limited amount of coal, oil, and natural gas, these non-renewable resources would match just twenty days worth of sunshine. The power that could be harnessed from the sun on a massive scale is capable of providing power to every home and commercial building in the world at a fraction of the cost of power from non-renewable resources.

The United States receives so much direct sunlight, that solar power could be used for almost any home within the country. While some states do receive more sunlight than others, residents in New England and parts of Alaska would benefit just as well as residents in Arizona and Nevada.

If you have ever asked yourself, “how does solar energy work,” the answer is really quite simple. Power from the sun is harnessed in special cells that allow for the conversion of light into electricity. The sun can replace the use of all non-renewable resources, and it can be used virtually anywhere in the world.