Solar Panels Offer Year Round Renewable Energy

We’ve all heard of solar panels and harnessing the power of the sun, but how does it actually work and how does it benefit you?

Solar panels for homes and businesses are made up of cells which absorb sunlight’s photons to make what is known as a photovoltaic effect. Basically what this means is that the sunlight is converted into electricity. The proper installation of solar panel kits means stringing them together and connecting them to your home through an inverter. What this enables you to do is use sunlight to power your home and also contribute to the grid of the electric company.

Providing your own electricity will save on your power bill and will also make you eligible for a credit or even a payment from the electric company for your contribution to their power supply. Many people are considering solar panel kits for their personal benefit more than out of concern for the environment.

How Do Solar Panels Actually Work?

As popular as solar energy may be, people are still asking how do solar panels actually work?  The concept itself is pretty simple, but it does take a professional to know how to install solar panels so that they can provide the maximum amount of energy possible.

When you ask “how do solar panels work?” the short answer is that these systems convert solar energy into electricity. To understand this, you can think of how your skin works with the sun. Like solar panels, your skin absorbs sunlight. It then converts the sunlight to vitamin D. In the case of solar panels, a similar process absorbs the photons and converts it to energy which is then sent to the inverter to transform it into electricity to use in your home. The more solar panels you have, the more energy you can generate to power your home or office.  Sky Tech Solar is your full service solar provider and would be happy to help increase your home or office energy efficiency.