Can the Moon Provide Solar Energy on Earth?

While we typically think of our solar power coming directly from the sun, scientists and engineers in China are looking at new answers to the question, “how does solar energy work?” They are proposing a new project that could provide up to 13,000 terawatts of energy, by essentially building a ring around the moon.

The proposal would place a ring of solar panels around the moon that could deliver solar power back to earth. Since the moon is almost continuously exposed to sunlight, this new idea would overcome the obstacle of providing energy at night or during inclement weather. The panels would be installed by astro-robots, eliminating the need for man-made structures.

China says the undertaking is only a concept at this stage, and would not be ready for any type of implementation until at least 2035. There are, of course, some interesting political obstacles, as no one country can lay claim to outer space. A series of treaties and agreements would have to be reached in order to make this idea a reality, but, with international cooperation, the moon could be another source of green, renewable solar energy.

As we continue to find new answers to the question, “how does solar energy work,” we are faced with new solutions and new obstacles. While harnessing the power of the moon is an exciting engineering and environmental development, it does bring to mind several political and ethical questions. Once those questions are settled, the citizens of earth could be well on their way to new frontiers in space.