For some reason, today’s world produces more waste than it ever has before, right down to wasting the energy of the people in it. Your children are growing up in this world and are bound to repeat a vicious cycle of waste if you do not do something about it. You can help your kids and your finances by taking a proactive approach to their education.

Use renewable energy resources. The first thing you need to do is teach your children about renewable energy. This means teaching them about things like how solar panels work and other renewable energy methods. This might not seem like it does much, but children are ever curious. Once they learn how solar panels work, they may seek to find other renewable energy sources and methods of saving energy. If nothing else, they may at least make more of an effort to turn lights off when they leave a room.

Put kids’ interests to work. Do your children favor a particular brand? Agree to buy it only if they can save you money on it. This means they can learn about clipping coupons, shopping for sales, and looking in places like resale shops for what they want. It is also motivational to have them help with the laundry so they can see why they should hang their clothes up instead of tossing them on the floor.

You might also have your children help you make weekly or monthly menus, so that you can cut down on expenses at the grocery store by buying only what you need.