Weighing the Pros and Cons of Solar Energy

As you begin to consider whether or not to make the switch to solar power, you may want to take a moment to weigh the solar energy pros and cons to determine if this is the right choice for your home. There are many things to consider, but here are a few important things to get you started:

Solar energy is a sustainable, renewable resource. Unlike the power provided from other resources, solar energy does not have a negative impact on the environment. Coal and natural gas both have a tendency to pollute the environment, while solar power does not. Environmentally-conscious homeowners are increasingly turning to solar power.

The cost of solar power is significantly lower than the cost of electricity from other sources. You will not have to pay for constant maintenance of your solar panels, and you will see lower energy costs, overall, making it a great option over more traditional electricity sources.

One perceived downside for many residential customers is the initial cost of retrofitting a home for solar power. However, with the wide variety of financing options, solar power is affordable for almost everyone.

Solar energy pros and cons should be taken into account when you consider where to get your electricity from each month. If you value having a reduced carbon footprint and making a positive impact on the environment, while saving money on your monthly utilities, solar power may just be the right choice for you and your family.

Understanding the Basics of Solar Energy

Understanding the Basics of Solar Energy


Solar energy is quickly growing in popularity, all over the globe, but outside of knowing what solar panels look like, not everyone understands the ways that solar energy benefits us. If you have ever wondered, “how does solar energy work,” here are a few quick facts about this safe and renewable energy resource:

Solar energy works by harnessing the power of the sun and converting it into a usable energy source. Photovoltaic cells collect sunlight and knock electrons loose. These electrons flow through the layers of the cell, reacting with the electric field present in the cell, thereby creating electricity. This simple explanation does not cover all of the intricacies involved with producing solar energy, but it is a basic overview of the action that occurs within each cell.

If you were to combine the limited amount of coal, oil, and natural gas, these non-renewable resources would match just twenty days worth of sunshine. The power that could be harnessed from the sun on a massive scale is capable of providing power to every home and commercial building in the world at a fraction of the cost of power from non-renewable resources.

The United States receives so much direct sunlight, that solar power could be used for almost any home within the country. While some states do receive more sunlight than others, residents in New England and parts of Alaska would benefit just as well as residents in Arizona and Nevada.

If you have ever asked yourself, “how does solar energy work,” the answer is really quite simple. Power from the sun is harnessed in special cells that allow for the conversion of light into electricity. The sun can replace the use of all non-renewable resources, and it can be used virtually anywhere in the world.

The Advantages of Solar Power for Businesses

Solar energy is not just for residential use. Today, more and more companies are turning to solar power to help run their day-to-day operations and increase profitability. Take a moment to consider the advantages of solar energy for your company.

Your company will see an immediate savings over the cost of traditional electricity. Since this is an expense that is built in to your profit and loss statement, you can quickly improve your monthly profits by investing in solar panels. Since solar panels are virtually maintenance-free, you will also avoid repair costs associated with traditional power sources. Solar panels are typically guaranteed for up to 25 years, which means that your investment will continue to provide great results for years to come.

Perhaps the biggest advantage for your business is the chance to earn the “green” label. Today’s consumer is environmentally conscious, and choosing to do business with companies who share that value is part of the modern consumer mindset. When you invest in solar energy, you are demonstrating to your customer base that you are doing your part to help solve the energy crisis and reduce your carbon footprint. Advertising that you are a green business can help to boost your profits.

There are many advantages to solar energy for business owners, so discuss these benefits with your company to determine just how much your company can profit from this eco-friendly power source. With improved energy costs and the ability to give your company the “green” label, it is a smart move for virtually any business.

Fun Facts about Solar Energy

Fun Facts about Solar Energy

Solar energy technology has been around for a long time, but only now is it truly being seen as a viable alternative to costly and dangerous power sources. The technology behind solar power is fascinating, and there are many fun and interesting solar energy facts to think about when considering the switch to solar power.

An Unending Supply of Power

The sun is not only the center of our solar system, it also provides a constant source of energy for our planet. If harnessed properly, one hour of direct sunlight could supply enough power to light the entire world for a whole year. That means enough power for every man, woman, and child in every country.

More Efficient than Coal

The amount of coal it takes to match one kilowatt hour of solar energy is a whopping 170 pounds. It is not only more cost-effective to use solar energy, but it is far better for the environment. Solar energy can help reduce carbon emissions caused by the burning of coal and other fossil fuels.

Solar Power and Space

The sun is used as a source of renewable energy on the International Space Station, giving the astronauts enough power to perform their scientific research with ease. Since there is only a limited amount of room on the space station, it isn’t possible to rely only on fossil fuels for power. The sun is doing the hard work on Earth — and in space.

Learning more about solar energy facts may help you decide to make the switch to solar power. Take these little tidbits into consideration before you spend another penny on traditional power.

Conserve Energy to Get the Most from Solar Panels

When you invest in a solar power system, you are making the commitment to conserve energy and protect the environment. Before investing in solar panels, you will want to review your home’s energy efficiency to get the best return on your investment. This can greatly reduce the amount of energy you consume, making your energy panels more efficient.

  • You will want to examine your home for windows and doors that are not properly sealed. This will make sure that your air conditioning system will not have to work overtime in hot weather. AC systems can be a burden on your electrical consumption, so making sure that your home is properly sealed will get better results from your HVAC system.
  • Make the switch to LED light bulbs. These energy-savers are more expensive than incandescent bulbs, but they save up to 75 percent of energy usage. Consider making the switch before you install solar panels, to see just how beneficial they can be in your home or office.
  • Replace your older appliances with Energy-Star-rated units. When you shop around, you will see the yellow Energy Star guides on each appliance, which tells you what the estimated electricity usage and cost is for each unit. Models made today are far more energy efficient than those made just fifteen years ago.

Making these changes before you install a solar power system will help to prepare you for a lifetime of energy conservation. Though these are just a few ways to cut down on your energy usage, you should always be looking for new ways to reduce your energy usage and costs.

Is Solar Energy Right for You?

Is Solar Energy Right for You?

With the rising costs of electricity through traditional suppliers, you may be wondering if solar panels for home use are the right choice for you. With the lower costs of solar energy, it is now easier than ever to have solar panels installed at your home.

With the increase in solar technology, many of the shortcomings that used to be associated with solar power are no longer issues.  It is now much easier to obtain energy even in places without direct sunlight.  This allows almost anyone to be able to enjoy the benefits of solar energy in their home or office.  The state of California is a huge proponent of solar energy and occasionally offers tax credits which can help make solar panels even more affordable than they already are.

Taking steps to conserve your energy usage will increase your solar power benefits, so be sure to examine your ability to commit to lower energy usage in your home. This is especially important if you are trying to find ways to reduce your monthly utility bills.

With a variety of financing options available, you can now obtain solar panels for little to no money down.  This allows you to experience the benefits of solar energy with absolutely no money out of pocket.  Solar panels for home use are a wonderful investment. Once you have determined whether solar energy is right for you, it is easy to get panels installed on your roof.