Lower Your Electricity Costs with Solar Energy

One of the biggest advantages of solar energy is the savings you can enjoy on your monthly electric bill. As the cost of utilities continue to increase endlessly, so does the cost of traditional electricity sources. You can save money by switching over to solar power.

You may have seen recent news about upgrading the nation’s power grid. As local electricity providers decide to upgrade their supply systems, they pass the cost on to the consumer. When you invest in solar panels and make the switch to solar energy, you will no longer have to worry as much about rate hikes, making your monthly energy costs manageable.

Of course, you will still want to be connected to the power grid in case bad weather prevents your system from creating enough power for your home. However, the costs of using the power grid in these circumstances are minimal, compared to what you pay now for 24-hour service to your home.

Some people are concerned about the upfront cost of purchasing solar panels and other equipment, but the long-term savings make the investment in solar power an economical choice. Add to that the fact that solar panels increase your home’s resale value, and you have all the justification you need to make the change to solar power.

There are many advantages to solar energy, but the main motivating factor for many residential customers is the savings on monthly energy costs. Take your electrical power into your own hands with solar energy, and stop paying big utility companies more than your electrical power is worth.

How to Get Solar Financing

How to Get Solar Financing

When it comes to investing in solar energy, you may be on the fence, because solar panels, unlike the electricity from your current provider, come with an upfront cost. If you are not sure about making this type of an energy investment, you may want to consider solar financing options for obtaining your solar energy equipment.

Financing your solar equipment allows you to start using solar power immediately, with no money down. You simply pay a low monthly fee for the use of the panels. This is a great option, whether you want to take solar power out for a test drive, or if you do not want to handle the maintenance of your equipment on your own.

We offer three different types of financing which are all ways that you can get solar panels installed quickly with little to no money down.  We offer secured, unsecured as well as financing for credit challenged individuals.  Essentially, solar power is now available to almost everyone!

Qualifying for the financing of solar energy is as easy as passing a simple credit check. As long as you have good credit, you are a candidate for solar financing. Once approved, you can be on your way to energy savings that helps the environment, as well as your wallet.

Solar financing options allow you to enjoy solar energy without making an upfront investment in the required equipment. If you have not considered solar energy before, this is just one more great reason to do so right away.

Electric Car Issues To Keep in Mind

If you have decided to purchase an electric car, you have probably been wondering about any issues that you will experience once you buy the car. Because you deserve to be informed before you make the purchase, a list of electric car issues has been compiled for you:

  • You may need to be more self-reliant than ever before. Charging stations for electric cars may be hard to come by. This means you may have to create your own charging stations for electric cars. These charging stations can be powered with solar energy, so you will be forced to stop handing over all your money so you can get to work every week.
  • Because you can generate your own energy to fuel an already economically sound method of transportation, you may be burdened with a heavy wallet. Rest assured, these cars may be small, but they are solid, and they can handle the extra weight you will carry in your wallet.
  • You may feel an incontrollable urge to travel. Up until now, you have remained inside your safe comfort zone with a light wallet, because you were making generous donations to the gas station of your choice. One coping skill for dealing with that heavy wallet is to disperse it through the country that you can now afford to travel.
  • Your cheeks are going to hurt. Strangely, carrying more weight in your pocket is causing a new sensation on your face. You now notice dimples in your cheeks, instead of creases in your brow. Using these muscles so much in a short period of time may cause temporary bouts of pain.

Reasons to Invest in a Solar Power System

There is a good chance you are looking for reasons to invest in a solar power system — not for yourself, but to convince someone you care about. When you are under pressure, it can be hard to come up with answers that make sense. The next time someone asks you for some good reasons to invest in a solar power system, you can read off the benefits below:

  • You have an environmental responsibility. As a resident of this planet, you have to revert back to good old-fashioned manners. When you use something, you should always return it in as good or better shape than you borrowed it. When you borrow a car, you fill it with gas before you return it, don’t you? Is the planet worth less than a car to you or future generations?
  • Encourage independence. In case you have not noticed the economic crisis going on these days, much of the problem is that people have become too reliant on outside sources in order to get through day-to-day tasks. To that end, money is spent on things that people could do for themselves, with solar power being just one of those things that people could use to be more self-reliant.
  • You will never run out of an energy source. Unlike the seemingly endless petroleum wars based on “shortages” in certain areas, there is always going to be an energy source for solar energy, and you will not even have to worry about going to war in order to get access to it.

Realize the Full Benefits of the Electric Car

If you are thinking about buying an electric car, it could be important for you to gain more information before you make your final decision. Some of the benefits of an electric car are fairly obvious, but some of them are not so obvious. Yet they all combine to make this purchase a good decision for you, your family, and the environment as a whole.

Obviously, you get to save money on gas, and you get to use a renewable energy source to power your car, but you can also be saving money and resources. Keep in mind that the fewer the people who use sources like nuclear energy, the sooner that will stop being a source of energy. To that end, you can power your car using solar energy that you generate yourself with solar panels and the other equipment that goes with them. Now you aren’t just saving money on gas; you are saving money by not having to buy electricity to power your car. If you set it up right, the panels won’t just power the car, but will also power the rest of the room that the car is stored in.

You are also teaching your children about the ways that they can contribute to a greener environment. They learn that a car is made for transportation and not for showing off, so they develop a whole new way of looking at it, and if this is started when they are young enough, they won’t question renewable energy; they will question any other form of energy.

Ways to Reduce Energy Use

If you are looking for ways to reduce the amount of energy you consume from resources that are not renewable, there are a few very simple things you can do. Some of them may cost a bit to start up, while others will save you money immediately:

  • Start with bottled water. There are so many problems with bottled water that it is hard to know where to start. If you leave them in the sun, they can release cancer-causing chemicals. If you do not leave them in the sun, do you feel secure that the manufacturer or distributor didn’t leave them in the sun, because they are more concerned about saving money by storing these bottles outside, rather than allowing them to take up space in the shop, than about your health? Why not just play it safe and use refillable water bottles filled at your own sink?
  • Consider solar panels for home and office use. If you have a business, or even a barn, you do not have to use solar panels just for home use. You can spread it out and power your shed, barn, or office with them. One of the greatest things about these panels is that you can add on to them as you can afford it.
  • Use alternate methods of cooking. If you are having a campfire, cook over it, rather than using the stove or grill. Use an outdoor oven or a crockpot, rather than an indoor oven, when you need to bake something.