If you are considering the switch to solar energy for your home or office, you may be wondering; how does solar energy work? Understanding the basics of this environmentally-friendly and completely renewable power source can help you to decide if solar power is right for you.

Solar power harnesses the power of the sun by absorbing sunlight for the conversion of light into electricity. This is done through the use of solar panels that contain many silicon cells.

Though solar energy works best in areas that receive a lot of direct sunlight, you do not have to worry that your power will go out on a cloudy day or after the sun sets. Solar technology is ever-evolving, and panels will still produce energy on overcast days, though there may be a light reduction in output.

When you choose to use solar energy, your home will still be connected to a power grid, and you will still rely on a local utility company. This means that when your solar panels are not able to produce enough electricity, you will still have power. On days when your system creates a surplus of power, you will receive credits that can offset the cost of a backup power supply.

Now that you know the answer to “How does solar energy work?” you can make an educated decision about your power source. Solar energy is a clean and safe alternative to relying on fossil fuels to power your home. If you are looking for an affordable way to make a positive impact on the environment, solar power can meet your needs efficiently.