Solar Panel Clothing May Be the Way of the Future

Solar panels for home use are growing in popularity, but the potential of solar energy truly has unlimited possibilities. Recently, a fashion designer figured out a way to manufacture clothing with built-in solar panels. These wearable energy sources may very well change the way we approach fashion and technology.

Designer Pauline van Dongen, along with a panel of project members in Holland, created a simple idea that could be used in fashion, going forward. Solar panels were placed in the flaps of a jacket or shirt collar, and they were designed so the wearer might unfold the flaps to reveal the solar panels to capture the energy of the sun. The panels were designed to be hidden when not in use by folding into the flaps.

This technology can be used to charge cell phones, which could mean the end of being tethered to a wall or USB port to keep a cell phone powered. The impact could be felt throughout the world, giving people in rural areas the ability to charge devices without having to travel miles to get to the nearest outlet.

So far, the prototype designs are black, and are constructed from leather and wool. Each piece has a very futuristic look, but the designs could be adapted to fit more traditional styles, as time goes on.

Projects like the wearable solar panel prototypes show that there are far more uses for solar energy than just solar panels for home use. In the very near future, we may see solar power integrated in many other items, including your winter coat.