Sewage treatment plants require a large amount of electricity to operate effectively. Sourcing energy from traditional energy providers can be extremely expensive, and those costs are passed on to taxpayers. Solar power is being harnessed in the Washington DC area to reduce the costs of electricity for sewage treatment.

The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission facility currently has 8,500 solar panels put in place to harness the power of the sun to provide energy for the sewage treatment plant. It is estimated that the move to solar power will save up to $10 million, which will help to reduce the taxpayer burden and create less of an environmental impact as sewage is treated every month. The switch means that the power for the plant will no longer come from coal, which can have a significant environmental impact.

When it comes to how solar panels work, the basic principles are really no different than the way that solar power works for home use. The panels collect energy from the sun, converting it into usable, affordable electricity. The result is a lesser dependence on non-renewable resources and more affordable energy. This model project in the Washington DC area could serve as a lesson for other municipalities looking for ways to save money and create better, green technology in their public works.

If you are wondering how solar panels work and if they can be effective, look no further than the sewage treatment plant project in Washington DC to see just how effective this energy source can be.