If you are looking for ways to reduce the amount of energy you consume from resources that are not renewable, there are a few very simple things you can do. Some of them may cost a bit to start up, while others will save you money immediately:

  • Start with bottled water. There are so many problems with bottled water that it is hard to know where to start. If you leave them in the sun, they can release cancer-causing chemicals. If you do not leave them in the sun, do you feel secure that the manufacturer or distributor didn’t leave them in the sun, because they are more concerned about saving money by storing these bottles outside, rather than allowing them to take up space in the shop, than about your health? Why not just play it safe and use refillable water bottles filled at your own sink?
  • Consider solar panels for home and office use. If you have a business, or even a barn, you do not have to use solar panels just for home use. You can spread it out and power your shed, barn, or office with them. One of the greatest things about these panels is that you can add on to them as you can afford it.
  • Use alternate methods of cooking. If you are having a campfire, cook over it, rather than using the stove or grill. Use an outdoor oven or a crockpot, rather than an indoor oven, when you need to bake something.