Solar Energy on Cloudy Days

There has been a lot of effort made to distort the solar energy facts. To help debunk some of the lies, half-truths and misconceptions, here are some realities about solar power:

Solar Power Works on Cloudy Days

Anyone who has ever gotten a sun burn on a cloudy day knows that atmospheric clouds do not block out 100% of the sun rays. Check your average bottle of suntan lotion, and you’ll be reminded that the sun shines through even when it seems overcast.

Opponents to renewable energy try to distort solar energy facts because they distrust science, have a pro-oil agenda, or just don’t understand the truth. While your solar panels can’t collect sunlight at night, they can operate with limited efficiency in overcast weather, and with peak efficiency in direct sunlight.

Some Regions Are Not Suited to Solar Power

Another favorite argument of those opposed to solar power is that some regions of the United States are just not compatible with solar power. The argument suggests that places with heavy snowfall, large amounts of cloud cover, or even those that are heavily wooded might not get enough solar energy to make the investment worthwhile. But solar facts suggest otherwise.

Germany is one of the largest users of solar energy in the world and yet its climate is less suited to solar energy than anywhere in the United States. At the very least, this should give you something to think about when you hear rumors about the lack of power available on cloudy days.

Why Choose Solar Energy?

Many people write off solar energy, saying that the disadvantages of a solar power system outweigh the advantages. But the pros and cons of solar energy are rapidly evolving, making solar energy a more attractive option than ever before.

One of the first complaints people make about solar energy is that it is expensive to have the panels installed. While that may have once been true, solar panels are becoming increasingly affordable for the average homeowner. A quick analysis of your energy bills may show you just how quickly solar energy will pay for itself.

Another misconception/complaint about solar energy is that the solar panels only work when the sun is out. Anyone who has ever gotten a sunburn on a cloudy day can attest to how untrue this notion is. Clouds only block out a portion of the visible light spectrum from the sun’s rays, meaning your solar panels can collect in virtually any weather conditions.

The pros and cons of solar energy may not be what they once were or what people think they are.

One of the most important advantages of solar energy is that it reduces our reliance on non-clean energy. Most people only think of their vehicles, when they think of greenhouse gas emissions, but some of the worst offenders are power plants. The amount of fossil fuels being used to send energy to your home for your various gadgets, lights, appliances and heat would astound you, but since it occurs somewhere else, people don’t think about it. Solar energy helps clean up our energy use.

Another advantage of solar energy comes in the form of self-reliance. After major earthquakes and storms, as well as in periods of high usage like especially hot summers, the wires transmitting electricity to your home may be over-taxed or broken. With solar panels, your house may be the only one on the block that still has power.

Install a Charging Station for Your Electric Car

Installing a charging station for your electric car can be one of the biggest upfront costs for using green technology. Plugging your electric car into a standard electrical outlet is not the way to take advantage of these greater commuter cars. Besides, are you really helping save the environment if you are substituting one type of non-renewable energy (electricity from a coal-fired or nuclear plant) for gasoline?

The best answer is to make your electric car solar powered. In sunny California, solar power is one of the best forms of renewable energy, and installing solar panels to create a charging station for your electric car is very affordable. It also signifies a serious commitment to reducing greenhouse gases from auto emissions and many power plants.

Solar panels installed on your garage will generate enough electricity to keep your car charged up and ready to go. When combined with solar panels for your home energy use, garage solar panels can help reduce your personal dependence on fossil fuels and help keep the lights on when an electricity transmission line is damaged by storms or other disaster.

The upfront cost of installing a solar charging station for your electric car is easily recouped in the savings you receive by using sun-generated electricity instead of paying the power company every month. Additionally, switching to an electric car can help reduce overall pollution levels, while also saving you from the seemingly ever-increasing price at the gas station.  The cost of installing a charging station has kept many people from switching to the more environmentally friendly electric car, but that cost may have been significantly exaggerated, especially if you choose a solar-powered charging station.

How Solar Panels Work

Solar power is taking the world by storm, but not many people even know how solar power, let alone solar panels work.  Did you know that solar panels capture sunlight and convert it to energy using Photovoltaic  (better known as PV) cells? Every PV cell is comprised of three parts- silicon layers, anti-reflective coating, and metal conductor strips. All three components of a PV cell have a very specific purpose in the PV cell’s functionality. For example, the silicon layer makes up most of the cell and is beefed up with phosphorus and boron to increase productivity.  In addition, the anti-reflective coating ensures that photons (particles of light that generate electricity) are absorbed by the silicon layers and are not reflected away.  Last and certainly not least, metal conductor strips help conduct the flow of electrons through the panel into wires and vice versa to create a closed loop. To find out more about how solar panels work, read the infographic below:

How Solar Panels Work

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Is Solar Power Affordable?

You’ve probably seen solar power system panels on homes and businesses. They look pretty interesting, but they must cost a fortune. After all, when you consider what you pay for electricity, the cost to produce your own solar energy should be about the same or more. Actually, you may be surprised when you discover that solar power is much more cost-effective to harness than you may think.

Solar panels should be installed by licensed professionals. It may be tempting to cut costs and attempt to DIY, but you should not even try. Expert installation will help you avoid problems in the future.

Solar energy is a natural and renewable source of electricity. Even if you live in an area with cloudy skies, you can still take advantage of solar energy. The properly installed panels harness the power of the sun and convert it into usable electricity for your home.

Having solar power in your home will reduce your electric bill tremendously, canceling out the money you spent to purchase and install the system. If you are in a position to purchase solar panels and have them installed, now is the time to do so.

When you look at the facts, solar power system panels are very cost-efficient and can help reduce your energy costs. Not only is solar energy good for your budget; it is also a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the green movement preserve the environment.